Monday, May 11, 2020

Unseen Growth - Rachel Wydick, Singer and Writer

I’ve learned a lot these past few weeks, friends. More free time for me usually means going deeper into the thoughts in my mind (not always a good thing, by the way). And one of the things the Lord has given me a deeper understanding of is growth. Specifically, growth that is unseen.

For quite a while, I've been involved in several ministries within church, and I’ve also been so blessed to go on a couple mission trips in years past. And while these are all great things, things that I definitely felt called to do, I think I’ve allowed them to sometimes become “purpose” and, what’s worse, my relationship with Christ. I busy myself every weekend - and sometimes during the week - with the things that I’m doing FOR God. As if He somehow needs me to accomplish His perfect will! Let’s get one thing straight. God does not NEED me. He WANTS me. So much so that He gave the ultimate sacrifice to have my heart! Wow! Can we just take a second to let that sink in? A God who has absolutely everything (literally) gave everything to know you! Yes, you! Thank you, Jesus!

What does this all have to do with growth? Good question. Since all this craziness started, He’s been calling me, beckoning me. Asking the question will you come and allow Me to grow you in secret? Will you let Me mold you and shape you into who you are really supposed to be, even when nobody is there to see it? Even though no one is listening, will you still worship Me with your whole being? If this lasted forever and nobody got the chance to see how you’ve grown, only Me, would you still let Me send your roots deep into Myself?

All the serving, all the growth and change that people see and speak about is only a fraction of what God is doing. Those things need to come from a soul deeply rooted in Christ. And here’s the thing about roots, you can’t see them. But without them trees and plants wouldn’t be able to survive. They wouldn’t even grow to be seen at all! All the produce we have, that we’re able to enjoy and that sustains our bodies. Cotton and other material used to make our clothes. Flowers and plants used to make medicine. All of these things would be impossible without roots. In the same way, none of our striving and “doing” is worth anything without first allowing ourselves to be “unseen” by any eyes other than our Savior's.

Our most important growing is done under ground. In secret. Only for Him to behold.

Psalm 1:1-3 says:
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers.

When we spend our time meditating on His word, on His laws, that’s where the growth begins! That’s where our roots grow down so deep that they can never be pulled out! When we delight in Him, we become who we really are. Who we’re created to be!

Our purpose is not found in some big career, or even a ministry. It’s found in everyday living and walking in step with the creator of the universe who loves us more than our human selves can fathom! Growth unseen by the world is still growth. He sees you, and He wants you. ALL of you! Not the put together you that you let everyone see, but the you that’s not quite refined yet. The you that He is still watering and nurturing daily with such care and attention - if we’ll only let Him!

Rachel Wydick
May 2020