Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Current State of Faith - John Clinton, Elder

Today our faith as Christians is being challenged on all fronts. It is especially being critically attacked by those who would make us believe that our beliefs about sin are prejudicial against everything they cherish. While we as Christians stand for what is given to us in the Word and profess our beliefs that these Words were given to us by God, we - now more that ever - need to dig deeper into what we will stand for and what we will stand against.

It is not a matter of whether we offend someone for standing up for righteousness, but rather that we care enough to stand up for their redemption. Don’t get me wrong, we are not to accuse or demean those who do not understand our faith, but rather help them by showing them the love, mercy, and grace that was also given us through Jesus Christ. It takes patience and control of our emotions and tongue. Remember, no one can understand unless they first accept Him as Lord and Savior. Without that, they are without the Holy Spirit's revelation of Jesus’ purpose.

The world wants to label us as unscientific and intellectually clueless because we reject their interpretation of the creation of man and the universe. The world is all about the science, since that is something that is explainable by man. I personally thank God for the science because it is where we can explore and acknowledge the wonders that God has created. But, through science, even the scientists can concede that there is so much more that they don’t understand than what they have learned.

Man makes judgements and claim proofs on that limited knowledge to discredit the existence of God and to make themselves the creators. If we look at how easily we who believe fail, how can we expect those that do not acknowledge God to act any differently than they do? We need to see how much more they need us to deliver the truth through the Holy Spirit. Therein lies our need to be fully prepared and committed to understand God’s Word based on His interpretation through the His Spirit and not our own.

In the days ahead, the real struggle is yet to come…not only for us but for the generations that follow. The world wants to limit our freedom given to us by the Constitution by labeling our teachings as hate speech. Because we speak Biblically about their godless actions, they will challenge our right to express our faith. It’s expected, and we should not cower before the oppression of religion that will come. Even more, we need to make sure we do not conform to their way of thinking. This is not a call to arms but rather a call to faith. Actually, a greater call to love God enough to be obedient to His desire to save the lost. 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Ephesians 6:12 12

I pray that you remain strong and committed to find your purpose of how God can use you during these challenging times. Be prepared on all occasions to offer the truth to those who are lost or confused. Do not speak for the Holy Spirit, but rather let the Holy Spirit speak through you. We need to become like an open window. When we are closed (trying to do it ourselves), others cannot feel the breeze, but open others get the refreshing that the breeze brings.

In God’s love,

John Clinton
April 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Perfect Storm - Ken O'Rourke, Elder

Perfect Storm: A rare combination of events or circumstances, creating an unusually bad situation.

One of the first things that comes to mind is a song by Rhett Walker, titled "Mercy." As I listened to this song, I wondered how people would respond to what's been going on with the storm we find ourselves in - known as COVID-19. It has encompassed most of us in some way or another - emotionally, financially, or physically. I wondered how many have turned to God at this time in their lives. Based on our church service live stream numbers, it appears that more are hearing the message than when we were gathering as a community of believers at a local building.

My question then turned to us believers and whether we have come to the end of ourselves. Have we used this time and these circumstances to deepen our relationship with the Lord Jesus? Are we looking to be led by His Holy Spirit to be prepared for the aftermath of what is happening with people's livelihoods, businesses, and worldviews? How will this affect the youth of our state and nation?

I myself have put my trust in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. This is the foundation I stand upon.

I would encourage all of us to press in to God, not only during the storm, but also after things seem to get back to the familiar. I would ask ourselves is there something more, something better? Am I fulfilling my purpose? What is my purpose?

We have an opportunity to change our circumstances and to change our relationships with one another. Most of all we have the opportunity to change our relationships with God. For some, it may be a new beginning. For others, it will be a returning. And for others, they will deepen their relationships by reading His Word, prayer, and prayer with others.

I'm most looking forward to gathering together once again with my brothers and sisters to worship the living God.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Ken O'Rourke
April 2020

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Be Still & Know - Brian Wilkerson, Elder

As I sit here in my home isolated from friends, family, neighbors, and brothers & sisters in Christ, I am reminded of a time years ago when I was in the hospital and in a fearful situation. During that time I would cry out to God and ask him to heal me and help me to get out of that place. I waited and waited for God to respond. Then God gave me his response as clear as a bell. He whispered these words of comfort in my ear…“Be Still and Know that I Am God.”

I still remember that day like it was yesterday and since then those words, which are found in Psalms 46:10, are one of my favorite scriptures. Throughout the entire chapter of Psalm 46, God tells that He is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble and we won’t fear because The Lord Almighty is with us!

What comforting words to hear as the whole world is in turmoil. I truly believe that God is using this time to turn the world’s attention to Him.

I have an atheist friend who is happy that our church doors are currently closed. He told me that “At least people aren't getting indoctrinated during the virus shutdown.” My response to him was, “We usually get around 150 coming to church each week, but now that we are streaming online we have around 1,150 each week who get to hear the good news.” Praise God, church!

God knows what He is doing. Remember the Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 that God works ALL things to the good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose. God is the master chess player. He is 10,000+ moves ahead of anyone else and good will come out of this crisis.

The message of His love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ Our Lord will not be stopped. It cannot be stopped. Thank you, Lord! We trust you, Lord! We love you, Lord!

Don’t be discouraged, church! Call that person who has been on your mind. Pray for them! Encourage them! Tell them the good news that God loves them and has not abandoned them, and that He has a plan for them!!! Stay safe in His arms!

Brian Wilkerson
April 2020